Multiple Clinical Trials Seek New Approach to Treating Prader-Willi Syndrome

Running For Research ♥ Prader-Willi Syndrome
A Running Fundraiser Benefiting Research on Prader-Willi Syndrome at the University of Florida
Everything on the subject of the studies we are currently sponsoring
Multiple Clinical Trials Seek New Approach to Treating Prader-Willi Syndrome
Great news! I am pleased to announce that RFR has entered into a formal partnership with Dr. Jennifer Miller, TREND Community, Ardea Outcomes and COMBINEDBrain to begin the process of creating a new Clinical Outcome Assessment (COA) tool. This process will involve the above-mentioned parties but also the PWS community and its key opinion leaders …
Recruitment for Gut Microbiome Study RFR: RFR is pleased to announce the opening of recruitment for the Gut Microbiome in PWS Individuals study that was funded with the money raised in the 2021 RFR fundraising campaign. Please read the following recruitment information and, if interested, please contact Lauren Harvey as described below. Two different arms …
Running for Research – Prader-Willi Syndrome to Fund Multi-Center Study of DCCR in Early Phase Prader-Willi Syndrome
From Dr. Miller: “Running for Research – PWS is proud to announce our fundraising study topic for the 2022 campaign. This year, the money raised will fund a multi-center trial of Diazoxide Choline Controlled-Release (DCCR) in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are in Nutritional Phases 1b, 2a, or 2b. This study will be conducted at …
Here’s a very interesting article about the effect the gut microbiome may have on anxiety and depression. As mom to a child that REALLY struggles with anxiety, I can’t possibly be more excited about the UF PWS Microbiome Study that will begin soon. Last year’s RFR campaign provided the funding to plan and begin this …
According to research published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, just 2 months of moderate exercise can alter your gut bacteria profile, specifically those species that affect chronic inflammation. The study monitored the gut bacteria of 2 groups of previously sedentary, elderly women. One group exercised for 8 weeks and the other did not. …
I want to share this brief news story about ancient human gut bacteria. It seems as if about 38% of the ancient gut microbiome has bacteria in it that no longer exist. Could this bacterial extinction make modern humans more prone to some of the common diseases( heart disease, obesity and diabetes) we suffer from …
A mouse study suggests the genetic contribution to anxiety is partially mediated by the gut microbiome.